Night Quill Heavy Dart

From $2.99

SKU: NQHD-1 Categories: ,


HEAVY DART is Night Quill’s medium fat cap designed for both female and male cans with low-high pressure.

This cap fits all popular female can and comes with a detachable spigot ( Stem ) that allows it to fit onto cans which have a 4mm wide valve stem.

This cap has a perfectly round dot with fast output and ability to flare making it extremely versatile.

The extended profile allows you to get into tighter spots with more accuracy and offers extreme control via NQ’s original design.


*This product is solvent resistant and designed to be reused and cleaned.


Spray Type: FAT (3-4″ Radius, clean and circular solid or fuzzy line depending on speed of application)

Cap Sex: MALE

Valve Sex: FEMALE

Recommended Uses: filling in, outlines, accents, backgrounds, hand styles, flares, etc.

Compatible Brands

  • Rustoleum 4mm valve products such as their Universal line (w/removal of stem insert). Rustoleum 3.2mm valve products, with removal of stem and addition of a Medusa Reducer.
  • AS-IS (w/Stem): European and Chinese Valve spray paints (MTN – all lines, Molotow, Flame, Ironlak, Dope, Black/Gold/White Montana lines, Kobra, Loop etc.)
  • Off-brands

Pack Sizes: 1 (Single), and 10 Pack




Additional information

Weight.5 oz
Dimensions5 × 5 × 1 in
Pack Size



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